Wye Island Challenge
October 1, 2021
Entry Form
Owners name:__________________________________________________________________
Address:___________________________________, State_______________, Zip____________
Telephone:_____________________________, Cell #:_________________________________
(Important for race day contact)
Boat name:____________________________________________________________________
Class: Single hull________ Multi hull________ Extreme single hull*________
Length overall:________________, Waterline length:______________, Beam:______________
Motor type:_____________________, Motor HP/KW:______________, Voltage:____________
Battery type:______________________, Solar panels: yes_______ no______
*extreme single hull has a length/beam ratio greater than 6:1, or motor rated 8Kw or greater.
Entry fee: $25 for private individual: __________ or: $100 for commercial entry: __________
Entry fee includes a 11” x 17” laminated course chart
Please use one entry form per boat.
If at all possible, please send entry form and payment to arrive by September 28 to:
Electric Boat Association of America
PO Box 2115
Beaufort, NC 28516
Otherwise call 252-474-6837 with details
and bring forms and entry fee to the event.
Email: ebaa@ec.rr.com Website: www.electricboats.org:
*In case of inclement weather, race may be run on Saturday, Oct 2.