Boat Dealers:
E Power Marine, Boyton Beach, FL 33426 Arcadia, Electracraft, outboard motors
Electric Marina, St. Petersburg, FL
SJ Koch Electric Boats, LLC, Galesville, MD 20765 Duffy
Motor Manufacturers:
Electric Yacht, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Electric conversion systems
Ray Electric Outboards, Cape Coral, FL Outboard motors and systems
Torqeedo Electric Outboards, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Outboard motors and systems
Elco Motor Yachts, Athens, New York
Component Suppliers: Motors, Controllers and Accessories
Annapolis Hybrid Marine, Annapolis MD, Thoosa Electric propulsion systems
eCanoe LLC, Clemmons, NC, Motors, Controllers and Accessories
Elliott Bay Steam Launch, Portland OR, Fantail bare hulls
Electric Marina, St. Petersburg, FL, Motors, Controllers and Accessories
Mastervolt Inc, Hanover, MD 21076, Propulsion systems
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